The Hong Kong Greater China SME Alliance Association anticipates in the promotion of the future economic development of the small and medium enterprises in Hong Kong, in coordinate with the promotion by the Government in the Sino-HK development direction in the Greater Bay Area, actively liaising with the industrial and commercial organizations throughout Mainland China for the purpose of mutual exchange of technologies, providing a wilder vision and developing a co-operation relationship for the creation of collaborative business opportunities. In recent years, there are repeated results by virtue of the promotion in the mutual co-operation amongst the small and medium enterprises and assisting in the career development, to continue to seek more co-operation opportunities by taking advantage of the complimentary resources in both China and Hong Kong and to explore the development ideas between the small and medium enterprises in both China and Hong Kong.
2024.11.18 香港中小企創新大獎 2024 頒獎典禮已於 11 月 18 日假香港生產力促進局完滿結束,十分感謝上海商業銀行全力支持及贊助是次活動。另再感謝各位出席主禮嘉賓,包括有商務及經濟發展局陳百里副局長,田北辰議員,邵家輝議員,香港工業總會常務副主席林世豪先生為大會頒發獎座及獎狀給予各位得獎者,當日還有很多工商業各界領導、大灣區領導及教育界校長都蒞臨出席,以表彰各位得獎者的成績,香港中小企創新大獎搭建了一個廣闊的平臺,引領來自各領域的思維,融合,激發更多的創新靈感和潛能。同時激勵企業及學生們繼續努力創新,讓世界見證中國及香港的創新能力,推動香港在全球創新地圖上占據一席之地。